Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond
Call for contributions to the ReDiCo Online Conference June 26 to July 7, 2023
Submit your abstract before January 31st to redico@uni-mainz.de
For more information about the Call for contributions consult https://redico.eu/call-for-abstracts-cosmopolitanism-in-a-postdigital-postmigrant-europe-and-beyond-26-6-7-7-2023/
Don’t know the ReDiCo project? Here are some impressions from their last conference and more information: http://The Conference Film + Call for Abstracts for the next Conference ReDICo Jena <redico@uni-jena.de> Allen antworten| Gestern, 15:31 ReDICo Jena <redico@uni-jena.de> Call-for-Abstracts_Cosmopolitanism-postdigitality-postmigration-conference.pdf 542 KB Herunterladen Dear participants of the past ReDICo conference, We hope you had a wonderful summer. We used the time since our conference to create a short film with impressions from you and other participants. Feel free to take a look at it! We hope you like it: https://youtu.be/VEQjjwpFlyI.