Long awaited
Intercultural communication and language teaching have been recognized as having great potential for mutual gains since the late 1970s. However, existing teaching concepts and textbooks often do not adequately integrate the two fields based on their state of the art. This results in a lack of practical proposals for language teaching beyond essentialist views of language and culture. Baker and Ishikawa’s textbook addresses this gap by introducing a „trans“ dimension that recognizes the transcending of traditional boundaries and borders by languages and cultures. They provide an accessible and practical overview of research and suggest new teaching practices that draw on current theories. Their approach, using English as a global lingua franca, can be applied to other languages as well.
Das hier rezensierte Lehrbuch von Baker und Ishikawa bietet Praktikerinnen handhabbare und verständliche Vorgehensweisen sowie Materialien, um neue Perspektiven auf Kultur und Sprache im Unterricht zu etablieren, wobei es Essentialismus, Kulturalisierung und Stereotypisierung vermeidet und den flexiblen, verhandelbaren und grenzüberschreitenden Charakter der Prozesse betont. Es ist für alle relevant, die Sprachen, Kulturen oder interkulturelle Kommunikation lehren. Darauf haben wir lange gewartet. Sehr empfehlenswert!