First double degree graduate @ HKA + EPF
Congratulations! Félicitations! Gratulation! Louis de Cherisey presenting his final project at the global luxury brand Hermès in English with a brilliant result, after an engineering internship at Air Luiqide Germany and two semesters at HKA (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences): now comfortable in three languages. His final project technically designed and tested the ‚racine‘ change project in leather processing (new design of cutting and finishing workshops) before rolling it out to other workshops. The work was supervised by Prof. Dr Christoph Roser@HKA, Antoine Gaborit from Hermès and Prof. Mehdi Mekkeder@EPF (Ecole Polytechnique Féminine, Paris-Cachan).
Picture: Andrea Cnyrim (HKA), Antoine Gaborit (Hermès), Mehdi Mekkeder (EPF), Christoph Roser (HKA), Louis de Cherisey (HKA & EPF), Sophie Telliez (EPF).