TRIM* @ HKA proudly presents …
Another TRIM graduate has found her path into the future
With the defence of her Master’s thesis on GIZ’s Management Pathfinder on Tuesday, 11 November, Clara Kersten has confidently taken the last step on her path to a bright professional future with great success.
At the defence, some of the students of the current TRIM generation were in the audience, so they could benefit from the experiences of their predecessor. To celebrate the occasion, a glass of sparkling wine was served afterwards (the photo shows the candidate, Clara Kersten M.Sc. Global Studies, the Dean of Studies TRIM, Prof. Dr. Stefan Bleiweis, the advisor of the master’s thesis, Prof. Dr. Andrea Cnyrim and TRIM students).
* TRIM = Tricontinental Master in Global Studies
for more information please consult https://www.h-ka.de/trim